PHP Verify Mail is a developing class designed to prevent automatic registrations based on entering regexp-valid but not existent mail domain.
It uses DNS and SYN to check mx server existance. Based on Net_DNS from PEAR, used as a basic "includes".

This software is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.

Why use Verify Mail? How to install?
  1. Just unpack the .zip!
  2. See the example "how-to" in /contrib/
  3. Remove /contrib/ directory when using class on real server.

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Version History

If you wish to contact me or report a bug, drop a line to email specified in the sources. [PGP]
You can find me @ in ##php, #httpd, #wordpress, and others, under nicks Web31337/InCaribbeanBlue/_AnywhereIs_/ADayWithoutRain.
Be sure i will read your message in max 12 hours, min 1 minute. :)

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Coded by edK
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